Sunday, May 25, 2014

One Year Bible

Every year I wonder how we can do a better job as parents of instilling God's word into our daughters. I'll be honest, we've never done well with family devotions. However, this year I wanted that to change. So on January 1, I decided I wanted to try reading the Bible with them each day. Analise had a One Year Bible for Kids. "Read the Bible in 365 days, Seven minutes a day." That seemed doable to me.
I can honestly say that we have done well. We may not get to it every night, but there are other nights we have time for two days. We sometimes read at snack time, or curl up in the living room, or other nights we are all on a bed snuggled up. Brandon and I take turns reading, and the girls have learned a lot, and I have been reminded of so many things I had forgotten. 
That's why I love this picture; it shows the spiritual leader of our family reading God's Word to us. 
God promise His Word will not return void!

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