Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend Reunion

One of the main reasons we went home when we did was for a special weekend. This winter my college friends and I started dialoguing on when we could have a reunion; it had been 14 years since we were all together. It turned out that the first week of June worked for everyone. I was SO EXCITED!
When God called me to Cedarville as a sophomore transfer student, I never expected to have such wonderful, lifelong friends.
Thanks to email and FB, we can still communicate and keep in touch. But it never replaces time spent together in person. 
We decided to meet in Indy since it was centrally located, and we had two friends already living there. One friend paid to rent a home for the weekend (such a HUGE blessing!), and we literally hung out there for almost 48 hours.
We were all there by 5pm, so we ate a meal that S provided and then talked until late at night. However, we did notice that since we are older and moms, we can't stay up late like we used to. Nor can we sleep in like the good ol' days. 
Here is a group picture of sweet friends.
We spent most of Saturday talking and eating and simply catching up on life, while encouraging each other in our roles as Christian moms and wives.

 That evening we ventured out to Circle Center Mall where we walked around and pretended were were 20 again. Back in the day we spent many nights dressing up goofy and taking pictures. And we remembered those innocent, fun times when we looked through scrapbooks.
We decided that 35 wasn't too old to reminiscence.
 We ate dinner at the delicious PF Changs and then went back to the house for games.
 We stayed home on Sunday for more relaxing and talking and game playing. At 4:00 we headed to Olive Garden for an early dinner before parting ways.
I can't begin to tell you how blessed I felt that weekend. Seven women in one house and not one problem. Everyone was gracious, sharing, no drama, considerate, helpful - it all flowed so beautifully. And I am so grateful that all these friends are walking with and serving their Lord. I am thankful for my parents taking care of the girls (parks, splash grounds, movie, Chuck E. Cheese, etc.) so I could enjoy this R and R with friends.  And Lord, thank you for such beautiful friends...inside and out.
We decided that going another 14 years was way too long (we'd be almost 50 - yikes!). I am already looking forward to the next reunion in 3-5 years.

1 comment:

Reba said...

So glad you got to have that time together! Sounds like a wonderful weekend.