Thursday, February 28, 2013

Weds. Florida

 Wednesday was our day of "rest" and I kept it a bit more slow on purpose. I knew the next three days would be crazy busy, so I wanted a day at a more relaxed pace. The girls and I took Brandon over to the Convention Center and then went to the outlet malls. They were thrilled. Okay, I lie. They lasted for a bit with good attitudes, but towards the end they were whiny. We didn't have much success, either, so that was a bummer. But it was nice walking around outside.
After lunch we rested and then took the girls swimming.
Again, we weren't out there long before it started raining.
This time the girls had lots of fun because they enjoyed playing with A. Peg, U. Danny and daddy!
I am pretty sure I just read my book. :)

This was one of the pools. 

 I  have a thing for palm trees. I love them because they represent someplace warm and green. I don't see too many of those in Nebraska. :)
 See the rain hitting the pool water?
 After the rain was a beautiful rainbow. I loved it.

After swimming, we headed back to the condo for showers, and we got ready for the arrival of mom and dad. I made dinner while P/D drove to the airport to pick them up.
Now the real fun could begin. :)
And a side note, that night I got my first taste of "Duck Dynasty" thanks to Danny. 

Below are a few more pictures of the hotel complex and rainbow just because I thought they were pretty. This is the view from our room. 

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