Friday, February 22, 2013

Florida (Finally!)

As we just had two snow days at home in the middle of February, I can't help but think back to warm and sunny Florida. And the girls still talk about it all the time. So here we go - the attempt at getting caught up on our trip back in December. 
Brandon had his John Deere show in Orlando. We knew a long time ago that Orlando was the location, and we just knew this was the time to take the girls. They were old enough to walk and remember. 
Brandon's work got a super deal at a wonderful hotel complex. We invited mom/dad and Peg and Danny to join us. And we ended up with a trip of a lifetime.
Brandon was gone the week before we left. I just planned my week and packed accordingly. Analise fell off the monkey bars at school and landed on her back. That lead to two visits to the chiropractor and dealing with some tummy issues. Add worry to those tummy issues, and we had many talks about why God tells us not to worry. Anyway...
We drove to Omaha on Sunday morning for our early afternoon flight. The first picture is us at the airport with just a few bags. :) We checked a couple and then gate checked rest of the luggage. Free at that point. :)
Analise and Maisie had flown before, but they were so young they didn't remember any of it. They were so excited! Since the seats were four across, these two sat together, Sadie sat with me, and Brandon was in front of Maisie.
We had a layover in Atlanta, and our flight got delayed. We arrived on Orlando 45 minutes later then planned. We took a shuttle over to the rental car. And we learned why we got the van rental so cheap. We waited forever, in the dark, late and with hungry girls. Thankfully they did well for the most part. We then had to find someplace to eat dinner at 9:30. KFC was the only good option. By then I just wanted to be in my own bed at home. But I knew things would just get better.

Monday morning we got up, ate at Dunkin Donuts and headed to Walmart to buy groceries for the week.
We then took Brandon to the convention center for him to work the show.
The girls the first morning, seeing things for the first time.
Eating lunch at the condo - trying to save money
While Brandon worked Monday afternoon, the girls and I rested some, and I had them do some of their homework. From there we went down to swim. We had some time in the water before it started raining. They didn't mind the rain. I however, got out of the water and lounged under an umbrella.

After swimming we headed back to our room to shower and get ready for dinner. Brandon called me to let me know we might be in a tornado warning. Nice. I turned on the tv to watch the weather, but that  is only helpful when you know where you are on the map. I ended up calling the front desk to see if we were in danger. Thankfully it was heading the opposite direction.
We picked Brandon up from the convention center and ate dinner at TGIFridays with his coworker and family.
We put the girls to bed early, and then a bit later Peg and Danny arrived. 
A good first day in Orlando!

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