Friday, February 22, 2013

Tuesday in Florida

 We hit the ground running on Tuesday morning. Brandon worked from the hotel in the morning and had the show in the afternoon. So the rest of us headed to Hollywood. Disney Hollywood that is.
I had been told by friends that we would enjoy it here, but I was still a bit unsure if we had enough there to fill our day. (You see, we haven't had a lot of "Disney" in our home, so I felt like the girls wouldn't connect with much) We followed my book, "The Unofficial Disney Guide" (on my Nook) for recommendations on how to make the most of our day there. It came in handy, and we only laughed a couple of times of what it recommended. 

 Above is the set from where we watched Disney Jr. The girls enjoyed it some, but since we don't have cable, they didn't know the characters all that well.
From there we went to see Beauty and the Beast on stage. I had been told that this was wonderful, and we weren't disappointed. I loved seeing this live with Peg since we had watched the movie together MANY times.
We got there early enough to get great seats.

 Maisie found an area with hula hoops. And boy is she good.
 Walking along the street, one of the directors, Vladimir Pooey, started talking with Maisie like she was a super star. As you can tell by Peg's face, it was really funny. He ended his act by giving each girl her own necklace.
  We hung out for a bit in the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" play area. Again, they had no idea what the theme meant, and Analise asked me what the slide was; she didn't know film.

 We went to the "Lights, Motors, Action" stunt show. I was concerned the girls may get scared with the loud sounds, but they didn't. In fact, we all loved it! I just wished Brandon could have been there.

 See the stuntman?
 The girls were excited to see Lightning McQueen
 We had a fast pass for the favorite ride of all four Disney Parks. My only regret for the day - not riding this ride more than once. Toy Story Mania was more fun than I can describe. All six of us had SO much fun!

 Peg and Analise with their glasses and "guns" to shoot the targets throughout the ride.
 We quickly introduced the girls to the Muppets, and then we saw a 3D Muppet show.
 We caught a bit of the Pixar Parade. Mike is one of my faves.

 The girls with Mickey
 The girls weren't all that impressed to meet The Incredibles since they hadn't seen the movie to know who they were.
 The question of the day from Danny, "Has anyone seen the big, blue hat?"
 We spent enough time at the park to have a GREAT time and do what we wanted. We picked up Brandon and ate supper at Giordano's. Super yum!
 And before bed, the girls played a game of Sorry with the Sorry queen - Aunt Peg.
I was so thankful for our day. We  had nice weather, we were able to fill our day with fun things, and we never had to wait long wherever we went. A special memory with Aunt Peg and Uncle Danny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a family, we like HS the best. We can get a bit of everything and satisfy the thrill seekers (my oldest), the nostalgic (me and my husband), and all the in-between (my girls). Agreed.....toy story mania is one of my favourites!!! We always go there first and ride as many times as possible and then fast pass it for later in the afternoon. As a side note, the first time I ever played sorry was at your house! I LOVED that game (especially since we did not own that one). :)