Monday, November 7, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, I got an exciting phone call from Analise's principal. She informed me that Analise's essay on "Speak with Good Purpose" was chosen, and that she and her Uncle (whom she nominated) would be honored in the school assembly. Woo-hoo! I was so excited for her!
 She had a lot of fun writing her essay, and I tried to find that balance to let her write it while I helped. She was so excited to tell her Uncle that he had been chosen!

We were able to attend the assembly on that Friday afternoon. I took the girls and met Brandon, both grandparents and her Uncle there. 
 Here is Analise sitting with her class. Think she's excited? :)

 Among the 2nd grade class, about 60 essays were written, and five were chosen to share at the assembly. They saved Analise's letter for last. When the counselor called Analise and her Uncle to the front, you could hear all 400 kids make a "gasp" sound when they saw an officer in uniform. It was so sweet, and even sweeter to see the two of them together. Her uncle got down on one knee and pulled Analise in his other knee while the essay was read. I truly felt in my spirit that God would honor her uncle in this way. When we prayed about whom to write about, and Analise, Brandon and I all  immediately agreed, I knew the Holy Spirit was working.  What a sweet, sweet moment.

Analise's essay: the edited version, though the "sloppy copy" sure was cute!
"I would like to nominate my Uncle who is also a Police Officer. He speaks with good purpose by being kind to people when he pulls them over. He also shows respect to the high school students he works with.
He is always happy to see my sisters and me. And he likes to make us laugh. That's why I would like to nominate my uncle. "
( I edited it some for privacy reasons)

Like I told Analise before, she is so blessed to know so many people in her life that speak with good purpose!

1 comment:

WifeandMom said...

I'm pretty biased, but Analise sure picked a special person to nominate. :)