Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wedding Day

The wedding day arrived with sun, but it was very cold. We got up early and had to get going because it was an 11:00 wedding. And with all five of us in the wedding, I knew  it would take awhile. We got off to a good start. We headed down for breakfast, and then I took Analise up to Grandma's room so she could get her hair done. Brandon joined us and we decided it was time to head back to our room to pack up for the day. We put our room key in the slot only to find out the door wouldn't open. The battery for the lock had died. We had NO way to get in our room. I tried not to panic. Only everything (but the girls' dresses) was in the room. Brandon went down to the front desk right away, but they had to call in the maintenance man. It was a really long hour as we waited. We hung out in other family member's room while again, I tried not to panic. :)  When the door finally opened, I was busy praising the Lord as we scrambled to gather our things. We arrived to the chapel later then we had hoped. However, thanks to Sarah and a cousin, they helped get the girls ready so I could finish up myself.  This is the chapel.
 The girls loved wearing their fancy dresses and having their hair done. 

 I loved having my dear SIL and friend in the wedding, too!
 Girls with the Father of the Bride (aka Grandpa)
 The picture was an oops because of the lighting, but now I think it's really neat!
 Analise was the Junior Bridesmaid and got to stand up front the entire ceremony. She did a nice job. It was hard for me because I couldn't see her; I was further up the line of bridesmaids. However, at one point during the ceremony, I peeked back and found Analise leaning and reclining on the piano next to her.

 Analise and Braylen made for a good looking pair walking down the aisle!
 Maisie loved having Kaleb walk her down. Kaleb did a great job with  her...including going down the aisle early because Maisie began to panic. They ended up following Brandon and me down instead of waiting. Maisie did a great job of dropping her petals.
 Sadie and Aaron probably stole the show because they were so cute! Sadie walked down with a smile on her face and jogged the last bit when she saw me. She and Maisie didn't stand up front long; they were way to wiggly. At one point Sadie dropped her flowers down a small step and about tumbled over head first in retrieving it. Thankfully Brandon's aunt and uncle took great care of the in the front row.
 The kids' table was on the stage behind the head table. These two entertained themselves with the shiny stones.

 Bride and Groom

 Brandon with his sweet sister, Sarena
The ceremony was simply beautiful, with all the focus on praising the Lord. The reception was lots of fun, and the girls pushed through nap time. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to dress up like this as a family and celebrate with other loved ones. Looking back I wish I had taken more pictures. However, I chose instead to live in the moment and enjoy. I tried to balance the role of bridesmaid while still being a mother to the flower girls. Again I was thankful for my husband who helped with the juggling act and for other friends and family as well.
After the festivities were over, we went back to the hotel for short bit before going to meet friends for dinner. We drove 30 minutes to meet N, J and baby K for supper at Chili's. Despite having to take the girls to the bathroom six times during the meal, it was a great time. And despite little or no naps, the girls did wonderful!
Sunday morning came too quickly, and none of us were ready to  head home. I had felt like a princess all weekend. Thanks to my MIL and FIL who made this all possible. Sarena, thanks for getting married to such a great guy and giving us a reason for celebrating. And Lord, thank for you for health, safety, and for letting us be a part of a family who puts you first in everything.

A couple of funnies I want  to remember. As we drove on the interstate, Analise asked Brandon if he could get in the other aisle to pass the truck.
Later as we drove into the city and began to see the mountains, Analise asked, "Where's Mt. Everest?"
While I drove on the way there, the temps dropped to the ugly 32-33 degrees, and it was kind of misty. As one point it snowed some really small flakes. The girls were SO excited. Analise announced, "God answered mt prayers by letting it snow!" I was up front mumbling to myself, "but He didn't answer my prayers that it wouldn't snow." :) Thankfully it didn't last long!


Reba said...

Love all of the pictures. I cannot get over how grown up Analise looks with missing teeth. :) And her mama looks absolutely gorgeous. Love the family picture. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

Sara Campbell said...

The chapel, bride, all of you look gorgeous! I love November weddings!!