Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Year Older

My birthday this year was great! My parents came for a long weekend, and the girls were so excited!  They arrived Thursday afternoon, and the girls were outside running around in their costumes. We ate a yummy dinner, and then Grandmom pulled out these fun bags for the girls. Needless to say, the girls were thrilled! We asked Analise what she thought might be in there; she stated "pajamas." She knows Grandmom well. In addition to jammies, they each got a Halloween books and some other clothing. Grandmom knows them well!

 Playing games before bed
 Friday while Analise was at school, we went out to take a "tour" of the driving course that was being taught for officers. We know a pretty special officer. He had taught the class all week, and it was time for him and Brandon to "play" on the course. Two men + fast cars= a great time!  My dad took the course slow, and then I rode along, too. It was so interesting!  Then Brandon gave the driver permission to go a little crazy while I was with them. He did a couple of donuts (or cookies, depending on where you are from) and a burn out. I'll admit...I just laughed!
We then ran some errands together. I was able to pick up my bridesmaid dress and show them. Maisie also gave a preview of her dress. It was much easier doing all this with extra adults on hand.
They took Maisie and Sadie out for lunch so Brandon and I could go out by ourselves. It was nice to have a little birthday lunch with my man. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Friday night we were going to celebrate with all local family, but one of my nephews was sick. Instead, we had supper at home and then watched "Flywheel" after the girls were in bed. I had won a DVD set from the local Christian bookstore, and none of us had seen this movie. While we sat back and watched, dear Brandon fixed my vacuum. Thanks, sweetie!
Saturday morning we took them to our favorite donut shop, and from there we went to another store where they were offering free pumpkins and carving kits. Again, I never could have done this by myself. Four adults and three kids was a good ratio. The girls had fun "helping" carve their pumpkins.
Saturday night we got together for the birthday bash. My meal of choice was fajitas. Mmm!  After dinner we walked to a nearby house that had about 200 different jack-o-lanterns in their front yard. It was really cool! After gifts,  it was time for cake.  Here are the girls ready for the walk. We hadn't come prepared with coats, so they are wearing Grandma's coats.
 Sadie found her cousin's helmet. :)
 Mom helped me make this traditional chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake. YUM!
Sunday after church we went to Q'Doba for lunch. We then had a relaxing afternoon, ate an early supper and got dressed up. We first met at our friend's house so all the kids could see each other. What a riot!  After we left there, we sadly had to say goodbye. I never like goodbyes. Thanks again mom and and dad for such a wonderful weekend!  The girls were then able to walk the neighborhood with their cousins. They came home with plenty of candy! Just yesterday I had the girls wean down to what they wanted to keep. I bought the candy they wanted, and they were excited to get pennies, nickles and dimes to put in their piggy bank. Some candy is going in their OCC boxes, some went in the freezer, and we still have some left. Geesh! Like  I said, we  had plenty!
Thank you Lord for a wonderful weekend full of health, family and friends!
Later in the week I was able to get a coffee night with two dear friends. I always treasure that time, too. These kind of weeks remind me to be like Mary and ponder these things in my heart.

1 comment:

Reba said...

Looks like a very fun weekend. I don't think your parents age at all. :)