Monday, September 14, 2009

Maisie is three

Actually, Maisie has been three for three weeks. Her mama is just behind again in the blogging world.
Maisie is excited to be three, and she does a great job of telling others. She even includes three fingers in her answer. :)
Maisie loved celebrating, and she got several opportunities. I felt like we celebrated all month long. We finally got to do her real birthday party with the family here in town a couple of weeks ago. I made dinner - rotisserie chicken on the grill (kudos to dad there!), baked potatoes with topping, fruit (served in a watermelon that I made look like a truck) and homemade bread (kudos to grandma on this one.) I also decided to make Maisie some monkey cupcakes, because she loves monkeys right now. She refers to them as "hee haw haws." She was so excited when she saw her cupcakes. I call it a success when the 3 year old knows what you've created! :)
Maisie, Maisie, keeps me on my toes during the day and makes me crash at night. Oh, I love her dearly. Not too long ago, she said hi to a stranger. (A nice lady). The lady said hi back and then said to me, "I bet she's your little firecracker." This lady hit the nail on the head.
She can make me laugh and smile like no other, but she can also make me shake my head in did I get such a busy girl? I don't have to wonder long...I am married to her daddy. :) She is such a hands on learner. She touches everything! Telling her not to touch something is like telling the sun not to shine. It just can't happen. I really do try and work with that, but more often than not, her little hands get her into trouble. I have felt lead to pray for her a little differently. I pray that her little hands can bring HIM lots of glory!
At the birthday dinner, we asked Maisie questions and family members tried to guess her answers. Let's see what I remember:
Favorite toy: Markers. She loves to color, and I love it when she chooses Color Wonder markers.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Fruit, fruit, fruit...with cheese a close second.
Maisie is a good middle sister. She loves to follow and mimic Analise, and yet she will lead the fun with Sadie. She still loves schedules and routine. She still listens to her Boz cds every day at nap time. Maisie is my night owl. She gets all goofy around bed time. She does better if she can sleep later and wake up on her own in the mornings. However, most mornings she gets up when I have to wake up Analise.
She is speaking more, and her sentences are getting longer. She still mixes or misses beginning sounds, but it's cute. Her owies are still howies. Gum is bung. Thomas - matas. Fruit snacks: new nacks. Movie: Moonie. Sorry: Rorry. Analise is still "Me." and Sadie is still "Baby." She calls her bottom, "Button." :) Every time we are in the van running errands, she will always ask "Home, home?" after every stop. And I mean every.
She loves to help. Give her a simple task, and most of the time she is thrilled. She loves to help me in the kitchen. I enjoy it, but it is a real test of the "no touching." :)
She knows all her colors; she can name several letters, and she can put together a wooden puzzle amazingly fast. It's almost scary when she just knows exactly where every piece goes. No thinking or figuring out pieces. It's simply memorized.
She is beginning to pray at bedtime, and I love it. Precious time. She also knows most of her Bible verse which we have said with her almost every night since she was home. Zeph. 3:17 - "The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He takes great delight in you. He quiets you with His love. He rejoices over you with singing."
Maisie, we love you dearly! Keep sharing your love with others.


Reba said...

Happy (late) birthday, Maisie! You are growing so quickly. What a joy you are to your family. I have a feeling you and Joshua together could set off all kinds of sound very similar. :) I hope that you have a very sweet and special year.

Karla said...

Pam, what a sweet tribute to your should print a hard copy of this post and put it in her baby book (or whatever you have). What a treasure this will be to her when she is grown and possibly muddling thru those "growing up issues."

Thank you for encouraging always do.