Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sadie Stats

She's a flower - not the Statue of Liberty :)

We had Sadie's monthly doctor visit yesterday so she could get her liquid gold. I learned that this is probably the last month to get the shot. We will know for sure in a couple of weeks. Anyway, since we were there, and it was so close to her one year, we went ahead and did everything except get her immunizations. It's always fun for me to see how far she has come.

She weighs 16-7lbs. For her real age, she's not on the growth curve. For her adjusted age (10 mo), she would be ~10%. She doesn't weigh much, but she is long - 29 inches! For her real age curve, she is the 48% (wow!); for her adjusted age, she is at 75%. I am sure one day I will be the shortest one in my family. She is finally getting in a couple of more teeth. She's had her bottom two for a long time. However, the top teeth coming in (one is through, and the other really close) are her I-teeth! Will she look like a little vampire? :)

Part of the appointment is going through the list of questions to see how she is developing. One question made me laugh out loud. "Is she putting two words together?" HAH! I told her my 2.5 year old just started doing that! Health wise, she looks great. Praise the Lord!

Sadie took quite a tumble today and got a bump on her noggin. Poor girl. Thankfully she seems okay and didn't seem too effected by it.

Any hint from moms on weaning from a bottle to sippy cup? I've tried several different types of cups, and she just uses them as teethers.

Thanks to my sister in law, I finally figured out how to compose in a much easier way. Like she looks like I put my glasses on! Thanks!


Reba said...

You know, Hunter was 17 pounds at one year...I didn't think we would ever turn that child around in the car (and we probably did too soon :). Seriously, an 11 month old putting two words together??? Joshua barely does that now. I love the picture. I knew right away she was a flower. :)

Karla said...

I cannot even imagine your sweet little girl looking anything like a vampire, even if her teeth come in in a weird order! Silly PJ!

So, what's the secret trick to doing posts easier? Do tell!

Reba said...

A few things I forgot...

Joshua got his i-teeth first too. Apparently in Guatemala it is fairly common for them to come in that way.

I welcome any advice on easier posting. :)

Oh, and I don't know if I mentioned, but we had a hard time with Joshua and a sippy cup. He LOVES the nuby straw sippy cups.

Wish we could have seen you too!