Thursday, February 26, 2009

My 25

It seems like lately I have been reading a lot of the "25 random things about me." The last couple of weeks I kept thinking, "what would I say?" So here goes....

1. This is my 100Th post.
2. I don't scrapbook. I love to print pictures, put them in an album and write a note next to the picture. For me, that is an accomplishment.
3. Whenever I go to a Goodwill store, I sneeze.
4. One of my favorite snacks before bed is peanut butter toast. (Thanks to my dad.)
5. B and I started dating in Jan, engaged in April and married in August. I wouldn't have it any other way!
6. I have had three c-sections.
7. Each c-section provided another girl. Lots of pink and hormones in this house. :) I love my girls like crazy!
8. I don't drink coffee; instead I love a good hot chocolate.
9. I love to read a good book! It's hard for me to put it down because I'm afraid I'll miss something....crazy.
10. We don't have cable.
11. I am learning that I love my DVR. I don't miss my shows and don't have to watch commercials!
12. I sobbed when I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd.
13. I then had a rough pregnancy with 9 weeks on complete bed rest in a hospital 2 hours away. Those last nine weeks Sadie lived in the womb with no amniotic fluid.
14. Sadie is our miracle baby being born 10 weeks early and weighing 2 lb. 13 oz.
15. A player on the Globetrotters once gave me free tickets to a game and visited with me afterwards.
16. I love to hang out with friends. A girls' night em!
17. I wish I was more organized...some areas of my life are and others always look disastrous. I'm a "pile until I file" kind of girl.
18. My sister and I were Barbie nuts when we were young.
19. I just taught something to Analise yesterday that my dad once taught to throw - not like a girl.
20. One of the hardest things for me to do is get up in the mornings. I long for the day when I can sleep in again...even until 8:00!
21. I played volleyball in college and loved it.
22. I am convinced that my dryer eats socks.
23. Brandon and I laugh a lot together.
24. I've been to the Dominican Republic twice.
25. My dream vacation day would be: a warm cruise with my hubby, reading a book by the pool, eating delicious food, getting a massage, and listening to MWS in concert.


Unknown said...

Those are hilarious! Oh the Barbie days!

Thank you for teaching my niece how to throw...not like a girl. I greatly appreciate it. Now I won't be embarrassed to watch her play sports! :)

Linds said...

I love to read those 25 random things.... I learned something new about you today!!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I loved your list. I totally agree with #22 - dryers eating socks. We have that same problem too.


Reba said...

I have a basket of socks with no partner...a whole basket! Every now and then I sit down to see if there are any matches...yes, there will be a few. But then I STILL have a basket of no matches. I had to laugh on the "pile till I file" comment...that is so me. I don't like being that way, I want to be organized. But it just hasn't happened and likely won't with little ones underfoot. And I remember the Barbies very well...your mom also made the coolest Barbie clothes!

PBJJ said...

I love your comments Pam! I had forgotten some of them and i kept thinking that we are a lot alike in some ways! (#5, 6, 8, 9, 17, 19 and 20) I especially love the throwing "not like a girl". My Dad did the same thing to us girls! Now I am so excited that Jeremiah knows how to shoot a basketball the right way! Have a fun week! Pamela