Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Girl Week

Last week was Girl Week at our house. Daddy was gone Monday-Sunday. Let me tell ya, there is a void when he's not around. Thankfully the girls do well and most of the time they get along. However, there are those moments when I think, "I can't do this any longer!"
It helped that we had a pretty busy week. Monday we stayed home and worked on Valentines all day. I should say that Analise spent time on the valentines. She really enjoyed doing them this year. She decorated a box for her party at school.
Tuesday was Bible study and then the cousins came over to play in the evening. It's a treat having them here; they are special young men. Weds. our highlights were school, doc appointment and Cubbies. Thursday was parent/teacher conference for Analise. We are very pleased and thankful for how well she is doing. Friday was spent inside watching the snow fly. We got several inches. Sat. was Analise's birthday party, but I will talk more about that in another post.
Thanks also to family in town, they helped pass the time by having the girls at their house or feeding us a meal. What a blessing!
As I mentioned, Sadie had a doc appointment for her monthly shot. She weighs 15-9. Everything looked great, so we are grateful. Like the other two girls, Sadie has discovered her voice...the high squeal voice. We were able to break the habit with the older two, and we are working on Sadie. I do wish she would learn quicker! Sadie is getting up on all fours and rocking. She has learned to pull herself forward using her arms. She gets really motivated to move when she seems something she probably shouldn't have. The other day she went from the living room to the kitchen. I always think it's fun to see her in different location then where I left her.
Maisie is still "pouring forth more speech." We celebrate each word, and she is even saying words that she had been signing. She loves to hum/sing along with songs. In fact, the bedtime routine is now longer because she has a list of songs she wants to sing. And since it's Maisie, we always sing them in the same order; she doesn't like to vary the list any. :)
I have to "boast" a little on my hubby. He had Valentine flowers delivered to me midweek because he knew I would need a pick me up. They are beautiful! Gerber daisies and lilies. The best part is that he picked them out before he left on the trip, and the note that came with the flowers was in his own handwriting. We are still enjoying the flowers.
I'll be posting again soon about the birthday girl...


HeyBabe said...

So, how did you break your girls from squealing??? Troy did not do it, but Ross....WOW does he have lungs! I am looking for any help!
Glad to hear that you still had a good week even when daddy was gone. It is hard on everyone without daddy!

Jenner Carter said...

You always have such great pictures of the girls!

Yes, please share your secret on breaking the high pitch squeal...

Glad Sadie is doing so well. Can't believe we're approaching the big 1st birthday with our babies, can you?

Love all your updates! Miss you!