Tuesday, July 22, 2008

God's Faithfulness

Sweet Sadie's dedication was this past Sunday, and it was a special time. Each of our girl's dedication was special, but this one may have been a little more sentimental. It was a bonus having my parents here for the service. We promised before the congregation to raise Sadie in a home that taught her about God's love and grace. The pastor then did something different and had everyone in the sanctuary stand if they had prayed for us over the last several months. I don't share this to brag - it was overwhelming. I'm not good at numbers, but I bet ~500 people stood. Needless to say, I cried. I know many of you reading this would have stood if you had been there. We can't thank you enough for those countless and endless prayers! We read the verse that we have claimed for Sadie. I have felt that God gave a verse for each of our girls, and Sadie's is from Numbers: "The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord's face shine upon you and be gracious. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
Your prayers continue to be answered! We saw the pulmunolgist yesterday and got a good report. We can turn off the O2 during the day and leave her on 1/32 at night! It's such good news it's almost frightening. :) He had her O2 turned off for about 10 minutes, and her levels were 96-98. We will keep her on the apnea monitor another month or so. One less tail is already making a big difference!
We went up to the hospital while in Lincoln to see nurse friends, and we even met one for lunch! It was a fun time. May the Lord bless you and keep you...


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!! I cried reading your entry today! And what a great picture of you and Sadie! You look great, Pam! Hope you're enjoying your time with your mom and dad!

Reba said...

What a precious time you had! I just cried reading about all of those people standing...God is good! I am so happy about Sadie's lungs...sounds like they are developing just like they should. Soon, she will have no more tails. :)

Karla said...

God is truly amazing! What else can I say?

Love you, Karla H.

Unknown said...

Your story gave me chills. I know Mom and Dad were glad to be there! Yea for less tails! :) Love you!!

Dusty said...

My heart is just sick we missed Sadie's dedication! I can only imagine how powerful and overwelming it must have been for you all. I'm glad your parents were able to be a part of such a wonderful moment! Miss you! -Dusty