Monday, June 23, 2008

Weight Gain

Sorry I don't have any new number 3 - can you tell? :) Sadie is packing on the ounces. The home health nurse came this past Thursday for a check-up. Just looking at Sadie she could tell that Sadie looked bigger. She asked me how nursing was going. I told her it was going really well, and that I was nursing more often. She said, "let's check her weight." When she had been here the previous Tues., Sadie had weighed 7-5. We put her on the scale, and she weighed 7-14! 9 ounces in 9 days! I gave a silent cheer. :) The nurse told me to go ahead and keep doing what I was doing. Yeah!
Sadie keeps holding her head up better and better, and she is getting a little more generous with her smiles. In fact, she finally smiled for me yesterday. I told her I deserved one since I take care of her all the time. She then gave me one.
I hope this isn't too personal for Sadie, but I have to say, she is the gassiest baby I've ever had! It's amazing what someone so little can sound like. I have a feeling it's the formula that does this to her, but I nursed her several times on Sat. without formula, and she was still gassy. I will ask the doctor about it next time, because I want to make sure that her digestive system is okay.
Please continue to pray for her lungs to grow. After being off the O2 for 20 minutes this week, she was still at 89-91%. We turned the O2 back on, and the number went up to 96%. I'd LOVE for those lungs to grow so they can do what they're supposed to.
We are getting a little more adventurous in going out. She has had her first zoo experience, and she slept the whole time. What a good girl! She's also gone to Target and a couple of her cousin's little league games. One of these Sundays we will attempt in going to church. For the most part, she is a home body.


Reba said...

It is okay, Sadie. I am a homebody too! I am so glad she is growing so quickly. She must be a good little eater. :) I wouldn't worry too much about the gas(thought it is always good to ask the doctor) ...some babies are just like that. Now, we want more pictures! :)

Rachel said...

Hey Pam, Great update!! I'm so glad that she is growing. PTL! As long as Sadie isn't in pain with her gassiness, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. (But like Reba said, always good to ask the opinion of the doc) Aleah always had LOTS of gas depending on what I was eating and I learned to either not eat certain things (pizza, spaghetti, any tomato products) or give her Mylicon (the generic stuff) drops before every feeding for about 12-24 hours after eating it. We learned the hard way by having a screaming baby til 2:30 in the morning. FUN!! :)

Love you!