Monday, June 2, 2008


We are adjusting to having three children at home, but I don't know if we will ever be adjusted to being outnumbered. :) Thankfully Brandon is very involved and helps out. Sadie has experienced and survived her first tornado! We hunkered down in the basement storage room for over an hour, and she slept through the entire event. Thankfully we didn't have any major damage. We also are thankful that we didn't have to go long without power. It's an important thing to have with her monitor.
She is slowly growing; last week she was up to 6 lb. 11. oz. We are still doing some formula to add extra calories to keep her growing. Grow lungs, grow!
She is sleeping well and is usually pretty content. She did have a rough day on Saturday, but we all managed. I am still waking her up every three hours during the night to feed her, and I am still tired most days! We are getting quicker though during the night, so I am not up as long.
Thanks for your continued support during the transition home. We all feel loved!


Rachel said...

Oh my!! Is she sooo sweet or what? You've got 3 precious girls there. It was great talking to you on my lunch last Friday. Can you email me the name of the book you mentioned? I want to add it to my want-to-read list. Thanks. Glad you're all back together and I'll continue praying!!!

Amber Zimmerman said...

I had no idea you were keeping the blog updated, and thought I would check hoping that you might have a pic of baby Sadie! I have missed a lot! Praise the Lord you are all home together!! She has moved me to tears. I am so happy she is growing and you are doing so well too. We'll continue to pray for your continued good health and that you find some rest! HUGs!!

Reba said...

Wow! Her first tornado! Does that go in the baby book? You will get used to being outnumbered...I promise. Some days you will defeated but most of the time the more the merrier. :) And you will have sleep again...I promise that too! When we brought Joshua home, he woke up several times a night (at 8 months old!). Now we ALL sleep through the night. You will get there too, though I know it seems like an eternity. Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Wow! She sure is a cutie! I'm so glad your older girls are adjusting to having Sadie at home and are helping you out. They are adorable as well :) I will continue to pray for the complete healing of her lungs and that she can go off the monitors soon. Hugs to you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh Pam! I was so happy to read your good news of Sadie's homecoming. I'm praying that God continues to bless your family. Thinking of you!

Erin Madden