Monday, June 16, 2008

Three months

It's amazing how the time flies. I remember being in the hospital turning my calendar to February and thinking, "If I could only be in June - home and settled." Here we are halfway through June already. I think we are feeling a little settled. :) I took Sadie to see the doctor last Weds, and she weighed 7-11! They were very pleased with her weight gain. We also turned off her oxygen for about 20 minutes to see how she did. They want her oxygen level to be 90 or above. When they checked after the 20 minutes, she was hanging at the 88-89 mark. My doctor suggested I turn the O2 back on and leave it on. There is no need to have her dipping below
90. The home health nurse will continue to come about once a week so we can check again. I'm glad I know this so I'm not turning it off when I probably shouldn't be. We keep praying though for those lungs to heal and grow!
I am nursing her more than I had been and possibly more than I should be. Some say it takes more work for her to nurse, but I am not convinced. She does such a good job and looks like a natural. So I give her about one ounce of her bottle with the Neosure and meds and then nurse. It seems to be working well.
She is still sleeping about four hours at night and sleeps a lot during the day. I'll be honest and says that's nice. We try and make the most of the time she is awake. We got out with her a couple of times this weekend. We went for a walk with friends and then to the grandparents. It's quite the adventure loading her and the other girls.
We are coming up to week four of the apnea monitor, and I am hoping that means we are almost finished with it. One less tail would be nice!


Anonymous said...

It seems like just yesterday you told me you were pregnant and look at all that has happened since then!! I am so thankful that you have this blog so we can see what is going on in your lives! I loved the pic of all 3 of your girls! Life at my house with 2 boys is MUCH different, I'm sure! ha ha Love you and miss you! Holly

Reba said...

Wow, she is really growing! I am so glad she is doing so well. And I think nursing her is a good thing. If it is too much for her, she will let you know. (Plus I don't think she would be growing like she is) True, never been to medical school, but I am a mother. Does that count? :) I wish I could say the going places gets easier, but it doesn' least not yet. :)

Dillan Family said...

she's beautiful! i'm so glad all is going so well. i'm continuing to pray for sadie's health...terri

Nancy H. said...

Sadie looks great. What an answer to prayer. I hope you are able to have a little down time to yourself! We're still praying for you all.

Love, Nancy

PBJJ said...

How fun it is to see Sadie growing up so big and healthy! God is so good and Sadie is a living testament to that! :)
We are thinking of you often! Love, Pamela and Brian