Saturday, December 4, 2010

Miss Maisie

Maisie was the star of the week this week for preschool. She was super excited that it was her turn. She was given a poster to fill out about herself, and then she shared it with the class. I had fun working on this with her. She's never done anything like this, so some answers I knew, and some answers surprised me. She knew where she lived. Yeah! Here she is holding her poster, and below are some close ups of her answers.

If you saw this in person, you would see that she made herself smiling.

Analise tried not to be offended with her hair. :)

I knew this blank would be interesting since we  have never talked about this before. So I asked her, "Maisie, when you get older and grown up, what do you want to be?" She answered, "A boy!" After I laughed, I suggested other ideas, and she agreed to them all. So when I mentioned this one, she wanted me to put that down.

This one was a no brainer.

We still have our little dwarf frogs that we got last year. Maisie makes it look like we have a tadpole. What's even more funny is when she told her class about this one, she couldn't remember what she drew so she told them we had two kittys!  Sorry dear, but we'll never have a cat.

Maisie helped me pick out the snacks this week for class. Since it was "G" week, the teacher in me had to get some snacks that began with that letter. We sent GoGurts and graham crackers, Golfish with cheese cut out in cute Christmas shapes, and on Thursday she took muffins that she and I had made along with apple slices.
Some things  I want to remember about Maisie at this age:  She is fascinated with princess things. At first this was  hard for me since I tend to be more anti-princess. However, after reading Dr. Dobson's book "Bringing up Girls," I realized the play of princess was okay if it is in the proper perspective. Whenever she sees a Disney princess in the store, she always says, "My favorite!" However, she has never watched a Disney princess movie and doesn't know who they are. So Maisie loves the concept, and with that I am ok. Just now she came out of room from rest time wearing her tiara and lots of bracelets.
Maisie talks a lot but still doesn't have the best pronunciation. She will let me correct her, and sometimes she can fix it; other times she can't. Her word for "turkey" sounds just like "cookie." Now she sings jingle bells, but it sounds like "Gingle bells."  Even her favorite princess is "frincess."
Maisie took her love of fruit to a new level the other day. She was chewing gum and eating a pear at the same time. Eww.
Last weekend she got a splinter in her finger, and when I took it out, she cried hard enough you would have thought I was cutting of her arm. I put a (you guessed it) princess band aid on it, and later Sadie asked her why she had a "bandaind" on it, and Maisie told her she'd had a porcupine.
While grocery shopping a few weeks ago, she was singing "Go tell it on the mountain..." at the top of her lungs. The good news it that the store was quiet. However, that meant the few people there could hear her. :)
She is enjoying Awana Cubbies, but she doesn't memorize like her older sister. And the patches don't mean much to her. I remember Analise would tell me right away when she had a new patch. Maisie will  leave them in her bag for me to discover myself.
Maisie sometimes needs some nudging from me to do something on her own that I know she capable of doing. One morning she stood in her room naked for 15 minutes because she wanted help getting dressed. She finally caught on that I wasn't going to help her. She gets dressed by herself on a regular basis!  Once she was dressed, she was so happy. So sometimes she gets so mad at me for making her do something, but once she does it she is thrilled at her accomplishment. I'm not sure what this will mean in the future.
Maisie will have conversations with herself or pretend friends. She talks and talks, and none of it makes sense. I get a kick out of it.
Maisie, we love you SO MUCH!


Reba said...

What a fun little girl! Let's make sure she and Joshua don't get together any time soon. I have a feeling that when they weren't eating fruit or reading Thomas books, they could get in heaps of trouble together!

Dusty said...

I'm glad Maisie is in a princess stage! I hope she never leaves it. We want our girls to know they are daughters of the King, right?! Thanks for posting about Miss Maisie!