Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Growing Up

The days move by quickly around here. Summer is flying by! I have been posting in my head for way too long, so I am sure I will forget something. I will start with updates on the girls. One of these days I will look at these posts so I can fill in their baby books. :)
Sadie is completely over her ear infections! We had to take two rounds of antibiotics, but they are all cleared up now. We also cut back the breathing treatments with albuterol since her cough is gone. We will continue the treatments with pulmocort. Today she had her 15 month check, a little late due to illness. She was 31 inches long and 19-1 lbs! So for her real age, she is in the 70% for height! For weight she is at the 4%...however if we adjusted back, she'd move up to the 10%. :) She's going to be tall and skinny! It might be hard to find her clothes as she gets older. We had her full evaluation a couple of weeks ago to see if she qualified for early developmental services. We found out last week that she doesn't qualify! What a blessing. She is doing really well and seems to already be catching up on some areas. She is pushing her walker around and cruising more. She does well while walking and holding on to my fingers, but she isn't taking steps on her own yet. She wants to get places quickly. We frequently hear her say "hi" and "bye bye." She pointed to a ball last week and said "ba." She is jabbering more and pretend playing. She likes to hold things to her ear and say hi, like she is talking on a phone. It's so cute. She likes to "play" more to get a reaction, such as: she gets a big grin/smirk on her face in the tub before she splashes because she knows I will laugh and tickle her. She loves to pull up on my legs, hide her face and play peek a boo with me. See below:

These are my silly girls. Maisie put her shorts on her head, so Analise joined in. How could I not take a picture of this? Maisie's ear infections are also cleared up. Like Sadie, she needed two rounds of antibiotics. She is talking more and more and saying words better. In fact, she is making some sounds that usually aren't mastered until 3 1/2. My slow in speech daughter is actually a little ahead! She is speaking short sentences. She is also recognizing more colors. Yeah! She is counting, and she counts like this: 1,2, 3, 14, I, U. Got to love it. We started swimming lessons this week, and she is so excited. She loves to go "wim." It's a parent/child class, so I get the honor of being in the water with her. Daddy will go sometimes, too. :) While at the doctor a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Maisie hasn't gained much weight in the last year, so she looked at the chart. She is along the same curve at her two year check - about the 25%. I really do feed my girls!
Analise also was at the doctor recently for her big Kdg. check. She was excited because she knew she didn't have to get any shots. She did awesome! The nurse called her a little square (which I learned is normal for this age) because she was 45 3/4 in tall and 45 1/2 lbs. This put Analise in the 95% for ht and 80% for weight. Her eyes and ears are great, and she answered all the questions correctly for the nurse and doctor. She is such a firstborn. :)
Analise is also taking swimming lessons, and she is enjoying them. Though she is much more like me when it comes to water. She'd rather bop around in the water and not get her face wet instead of actually swimming. I hope she learns to like it a whole lot more that I do!
Yesterday the girls were coloring, and Analise realized that Maisie had both orange markers, so she took hers. Of course Maisie wasn't too happy, but Analise explained, "You have an orange, and I have an orange. That's just what the Bible tells us to do. " I laughed and asked her to explain. She told me the Bible tells us to share.
Later at supper Brandon talked about someone not listening or being able to hear. Analise asked, "His ears are blind?"
Lately Analise likes to act like she is conducting (like she learned in Wii Music). However, she says, "Look mom, I'm judgering."
More on life and activities in another post, another time...

1 comment:

Reba said...

I always enjoy reading your updates and seeing pics. Glad the appointments went well. We have some checkups coming up...however, Maria has to get shots for school and she is NOT excited. :) I still prefer to not get my face wet in the water, so I sidestroke or backstroke. I hope you have a fun summer...sounds entertaining at your house. :)