Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer? Days

I decided I better jot down about last weekend before another one has flown by! Last Thursday afternoon, I got my massage! An hour of bliss. :)
I had not had one in two years, so I enjoyed each minute.
Last Friday was a good day. Analise was gone most of the day with her grandma and cousin. That meant I got more time to myself in the afternoon. I curled up on my bed and finished a good book. That night we went for a family walk in the cemetary. Analise rode her bike, and Brandon pushed the double stroller. I almost don't know how to walk without pushing a stroller. It was a nice night, so we enjoyed the time. After the girls were in bed, I curled up for a movie. By the end of the week, I am ready to do something mindless. I watched "High School Musical 3." I liked it. Brandon was in the same room working on his computer. So even though he didn't watch it, it was nice having him close. I don't let Analise watch these movies, but I do let her watch some of the songs. She really likes them!
Saturday I met up with some friends at a park. Even though it was cool and cloudy, it was fun seeing a friend that I hadn't seen in over a year. She moved 24 hours away. Since she was in town, we planned a play date! The girls loved playing and didn't seem to mind the cold. Later in the day we ventured down to the lake. Brandon stayed back at the cabin with the nappers, and Analise and I joined other family on the boat. It was nice and relaxing. However, it wasn't quite sunny enough to tan.
This past week's weather has been cool, rainy and cloudy. It doesn't feel like June at all! When the sun does come out, we try and make the most of it. A couple days after lunch, we took the girls for a little walk. That means Analise is pushing the double stroller with four Cabbage Patch kids in it, Maisie walks, and I carry Sadie. Fun times.
Maisie is such a food mooch! My sister has two dogs known for counter cruising. I call Maisie my counter cruiser. I can hardly make anything without her coming into the kitchen and taking a bite of something. She's been known to take bites out of a big block of cheese! Today I was making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. I had the bread all buttered and laying on the counter; as I was assembling them in the skillet, I turned around to grab the last piece of bread, and there was a bite out of it! I laugh now, but at the time I was frustrated. She's been walking on thin ice lately. Sadie's sandwich was one bite short of complete. On top of that, as you can see in the picture, she was eating this next while I finished lunch!

I love it when the girls can play outside, but there are days I want to get rid of the sandbox. This sand is so fine, it ends up everywhere! I was working on dinner last night when I heard them outside giggling. I look out, and both girls are standing in the sandbox, and Maisie is pouring sand in her hair and getting it all over Analise as well. I like to try and enforce the "Stay out of the sandbox rule." However, yesterday that rule went to the wind. I told them to enjoy it, because it wasn't going to happen again. I had to give them showers before supper! And sweet Maisie lives by her jammies on after the shower, and ran into the kicthen asking for her snack. She was a little confused when I told her we were going to eat supper.
Sadie is doing well. She is now giving herself a bottle. I still hold her, but I let her hold the bottle. I probably spoiled her long enough by holding it for her. The other night I put her in the glider with her blanket and bottle. It looked like she was going to put herself to bed. Thankfully, she is doing much better drinking from a sippy cup.

Sadie had her evaluation this week with the early developmental network. They came over to watch her and asked me a bunch of questions. Overall, they seemed very pleased with what they saw. One of the ladies is the sweet lady that has been working with Maisie the last year. It's nice because she has seen Sadie grow and change. Along with the team was a PT, and he gave me some good tips on getting Sadie to walk. She is cruising more (yeah!), but she loves to get places fast, and that she does by crawling. I am going to try and be more deliberate in working with her on her walking.
Sadie loves bathtime, and most nights she needs one after supper.

I've been putting Sadie in a walker outside. She is the first girl to use one! This way she enjoys being closer with the girls, and I like seeing her scoot around. The other day I ran into the garage quick, and when I came back to the backyard, there was the walker tipped over backwards in the grass. I could barely see her little legs kicking. Thankfully she wasn't hurt.

Analise is doing well. Most days she plays really well with Maisie. However, I know she needs time with her friends, too. Thankfully her cousin is coming over each week to play. Analise loves to play the Wii Hunting with her dad. She's even been looking through the Cabela's ad trying to find what she wants to get him for Father's Day. She keeps telling me he needs a scope for his gun. Then today she was talking about hand guns with him. He asked her if she wanted a hand gun. She said, "No, I want a rifle." What a girl!


Karla said...

I always love your updates!! It is fun for me to jive the crazy stories with the sweet girly pictures!!

Reba said...

I love the updates too...the girls make me smile! I love the pictures. I know what you mean about the sand. We have a sand table which helps a little...they cannot get in it. But it just seems to spread no matter what. Have a good rest of the weekend!