Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"I did it!"

Brandon trys to take Analise turkey hunting at least once each turkey season. She always love to go. However, this time she seemed a little more nervous. It turned out she was afraid of him shooting the guns. She has never like loud sounds.
We told Analise her cousins would be going, too, and she seemed more interested in going.
But we knew she was still nervous.
Here they are before they go.

As it turned out, Brandon got a shot. Actually, he had four. He told Analise he was going to shoot, and he did. As soon as he was done, he heard Analise say, "I did it!!!" She was ecstatic. Brandon's first thought was, "I am the one who shot the birds." But then she explained; she had survived the sound of the gun firing. He said after that, she was so excited that she talked nonstop.
It is a moment he will always treasure. 

 What a good looking crew.

1 comment:

Reba said...

She is definitely the cutest hunter out there. :)