Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our Christmas Week in Pictures

Last week when the girls met Santa
Little Rudolph

Grandmom, the girls and I made a gingerbread train
We all loved the "Holiday Specs!"

Here's a glimpse on what the lights look like when wearing the holiday specs. My picture doesn't do it justice.

Christmas Eve

Analise had daddy put reindeer food on the roof, and she left this note and cookie for Santa.
Christmas morning before:

The seven of us after a full day's celebration
The girls with their favorite treasures
We love LOVED having my parents here!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Last Week's Memories

Warning - this is long and possibly boring. I just wanted to get everything down for my own memory.
Tis the season to be busy...
Last Friday night, we were able to have the boys (my nephews) come over for a movie night. Their parents finished their Christmas shopping, and we had lots of fun. I played a Toby Mac song for them, and all six kids got their groove on. I recorded it, and the kids loved watching themselves. This video will bring back fun memories as the kids grow. We then watched, "Snow Buddies." It was cute, clean and all the kids enjoyed. Yeah! Not easy to do when the ages range from 21 mo-10. (Though Sadie doesn't really sit and watch.)
Saturday we did things around the house, and then we were able to go on our own little date night. Analise was going to Grandma/Grandpa's for dinner and a sleepover under the Christmas tree. (With the boys) Grandma called and invited the other two over for dinner, so Brandon and I could get some shopping done. It was great! We went to a local BBQ place for a yummy meal and then completely struck out on the shopping. My luck hasn't been so good this year. However, we still enjoyed the time.
Sunday was church and naps. Even Analise napped; she was so tired from the weekend. In the afternoon I took Analise shopping at Target.
Monday was a busy day. Brandon and I were taking Sadie to doc visits two hours away. Grandma was at our house by 7:45 to take Analise to school, and so we could hit the road. We had great roads the first 45 minutes, and then the interstate became slick. We drove on for awhile, but it got to the point that we knew we needed to head home. One of Sadie's appts. had already been canceled, so we only had a couple of more to postpone. So, we were home by 12:00. Brandon went in to work, and I enjoyed an extra afternoon at home. Monday night was Analise's music class, and I was glad to be able to be there for all of it.
Tuesday morning I got together for my Mom's In Touch group. Love that time! After school we came home for 30 minutes, and then Analise had a birthday party at the local fun center. She was excited, and I was happy for her. I took all three girls in so I could meet the mom and hang out for awhile. Of course, while I talked, Maisie wanted to play in the big ball/play area like rest of the girls. I finally let her, but I told her that Analise would be playing with her friends. It turned out that Analise chose to play with Maisie more than her friends for that 30 minutes we were there. Oh, it warmed this mother's heart!
Weds. morning the girls and I went to my nephew's preschool Christmas program. I love those! We enjoyed it, visited with family and friends and then went directly to the doc's office. It was time for Sadie's second round of liquid gold. She weighed in at a hefty 21 lbs. She is doing awesome, but for some reason she has a rash.
After school we went down to the police station to meet up with my sis in law and nephews so we could see Santa! All season long, Analise has told us over and over she wants a puppy for Christmas. We've told her over and over that she won't be getting a puppy. On the way down to the station, Analise tells me she isn't going to ask Santa for a puppy, because she knows we don't want one. I was impressed with her maturity in the situation. She went on to tell me what she was going to ask for. She says, "A bouncy ball, Webkinz, and and Ipod." I laughed out loud.
She was so excited to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wanted. Maisie sat on his lap, too, and just kind of talked. Sadie sat on his lap, but she didn't give him much of her attention. It was a great time. My middle nephew cracked me up the whole time.
Weds. night was the last night of Awana before break. Analise took a friend, so she got the awards she wanted. Brandon and I planned Christmas themed games, and the wound of kids enjoyed them.
Thursday morning, I again had a sitter here first thing in the morning. Analise's class was having a "Moms and Muffins" morning. I went into school with her and spent the first hour with her and the other moms and kiddos. We ate muffins, the kids did a little "show" of songs, poems and jokes. We then made a craft. Lots of fun, and I was so thankful I was able to go. I got home and then an hour later we were headed to Kindermusik. Our last class with both girls. I was sad; I've really enjoyed the time. Maisie and Sadie both loved it, too. I've signed Maisie up for next semester, but Sadie will take a break. :( Since they can't be in the same class anymore, and I don't have the time to take them to separate class, we will start her up next fall.
I think after school we just came home, and we had a awhile before Grandma and Grandpa came over. Brandon and I had my Children's Commission Christmas party. I love this night with friends!
Friday morning, I took the girls with me to Walmart. I always feel like I deserve a badge that says, "I survived" when I leave. Esp. this time of year. While the girls napped, I packed. Brandon worked from home in the afternoon, so as soon as Analise got home from school, we packed up the van and headed east. We had a free night's stay at a HI Express that if we didn't use, we lose. We figured it would be fun to get away and finish our Christmas shopping. We ate dinner at Cracker Barrel. (YUM!) and then went to the hotel for the girls to swim. Two girls were excited, and one enjoyed it. Analise loved every minute of it. Maisie walked around the hot tub for awhile, and then she wanted to just watch. Sadie wasn't a big fan of it. It was crowded and noisy, so she just wanted to be with me. It wasn't a dream night of swimming, like I had hoped for, but the two older ones still had fun. We got to bed late, so that made Saturday interesting. We went to the mall first, but the girls were dragging. Brandon is hoping this is a good sign for the future and that they might not enjoy shopping. :) We moved from there to Kohl's, where we lost Maisie. Kohl's was out of their carts/strollers, so the big girls had to follow us. Maisie didn't last long before she wandered off. Thankfully we found her rather quickly, in the toy dept. Brandon hung out there so the girls could play while I quickly shopped. We left town later than we had wanted. All three girls fell asleep in the van.
We stopped on the way home for a family get together in another town. We didn't get to see everyone, but we were able to spend time with GG. We ate dinner at Pizza Hut and headed home.
That's our week in a really big nutshell.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Snow Much Fun

It's definitely winter here! I guess if nothing else, it helped me get in the Christmas spirit. Last weekend, Analise and I were in our church's Christmas musical. I had a lot of fun being on stage with her. However, it kept us quite busy, so it's nice having it over. Last Monday night we were in a snow storm warning. I am so thankful they canceled school the next day, and we knew before we went to bed! I had been grocery shopping, so we were stocked up, and I had bought some extra goodies for holiday baking.
Tuesday morning, we woke up to snow on the ground and snow falling all day long! The girls slept in, I let them hang out in their jammies awhile, watch a Christmas movie, and then we did some baking. We made a new chocolate pretzel, and we made our traditional white chocolate pretzel. (only in a new, easier shape.) The girls were great help and had lots of fun. While the younger ones napped, Analise helped me make chocolate fudge. I have never made this before. I'll just say it tastes better than it looks. :) I had chili in the crock pot, and I made my annual cinnamon rolls, arranged on the platter like a Christmas tree. Grandma and Grandpa joined us for supper. It was a fun, cozy day. The next day brought high winds and super cold temps, so school was canceled again. Brandon went into work late today because he and his brother and dad, snow blowed 11 drives! It was a good teachable moment for me to show Analise how daddy uses the gifts from God to bless others. Though we didn't do baking today, we still had fun. After dinner we drove around town and looked at Christmas lights. It felt good to get out of the house.
The girls had been out playing in the snow, but I had limited the time due to the cold temps. Sadie always stood at the patio door begging to go out.

A couple of days later, it was warm enough I felt like I could bundle Sadie up and let her experience it for the first time. She was so bundled, she could barely walk! She kept falling face first into the snow. Kind Analise wanted to help Sadie, but she could trip, too, and they would both land in the snow. Sadie didn't last long outside. But once I took her inside, she wasn't begging to go back out. :)

Grandmom and Pops always send us a package to open the day after Thanksgiving. Here are the girls in their new jammies!
The girls decorated their own tree this year. I didn't have to help at all!

We had a good weekend. Friday night our nephews came over so their folks could do some Christmas shopping. We had a movie night and watched "Santa Buddies." Quite cute!
Saturday we hung out around here. Brandon and the girls played outside and made some tunnels in the snow. Saturday night we were blessed with a dinner out and some shopping. The girls went to Grandma's. Brandon and I hadn't been on a date since August. We ate at a local BBQ place and then struck out shopping. I tell ya, I've just has the worst luck this year. Makes me long for the bigger city with more selection. :)
Analise spent the night at Grandma's, and the other two came home with us. Sunday was relaxing and slow. I have geared up for a busy week!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Time Marches On

I feel like I am cheating on this post, but really, I am saving myself time. :) Ever since Analise was 13 months old, I have done a monthly update letter on the girls. I send it to relatives who we don't get to see much. It has always been one of my few creative outlets, and I love having a binder full of the monthly letters. However, since I have started blogging, my monthly letters get a little later and later. I just finished my November letter; since I am so far behind in my blog, I cut and paste from the monthly letter. :) I didn't include the part on Analise, since she got her own post not too long ago.
Not too long ago, the girls played "at the beach"

This was a picture from our annual picture taking trip to a certain park.

Maisie keeps me smiling and laughing most of the time. She is in fewer time outs, and generally a happy girl. Though she does have her moody moments. Maisie is my daughter that will offer a big "thank you" all on her own, and lately she will randomly say, "Mom, I love you." I consider those words as my "pay checks" of being a stay at home mom. Maisie is no longer calling Analise "Me." Instead she calls her "Lise." She is working harder on saying words correctly. The other day she said "lap" instead of "wap." So I asked her if she could say "Lion" (instead of Wion.) She looked at me with a concentrated face and said, "Rrooaarr!" Maisie loves gumballs! They are a treat at the end of a meal that she has eaten well. She gets so excited and shows each of us, one by one, what color her gumball is. When she shows Sadie her gumball, Sadie always says, "Oooo."

Sadie (21 months) is another mover and shaker in our house. I love to see her beebop to music. Sadie loves hats and matter the size. She gets so excited when she has one of them on. Of course, being the third child, she expects everyone to ooh and aah over her. :) Sadie is answering questions with a nod/shake of her head. She calls her blanket "baby." And most mornings when I get her out of bed, she has taken off her footy jammies. Sadie is also bringing me a diaper when she is stinky. It's amazing how fast she seems to be growing up! Sadie was at the docter several times this month. She got her first Synagis shot to protect her against RSV. (And I just want to vent a little have no idea how much each one of these shots cost. I don't know how the makers of this can charge this much and have a good conscience about it. Thank God our health insurance covers it!)A week later, she had a bacterial infection that lasted several days. She was quite the pin cushion, and such a trooper! Though she ran a high temp for several days, she just kept her normal schedule. It takes a lot to get her down. The nurses and doctors were amazed how well she handled all the shots and blood draws. I guess I have the NICU to thank for that. :)

We all had a great Thanksgiving, celebrating in town with family. We enjoyed having Analise and daddy home two extra days, spending time with out- of- town family, and reminding ourselves of everything we are thankful for...including you and the Father who has blessed us with so much! For our Thanksgiving dinner, Analise was asked to make Pilgrims hats. She did them all on her own. Ever seen a Pilgrim playing games on a lap top? :)