Analise loves to dress up!
Maisie put on Mrs. Potato Head glasses
An attempt to get all three looking at the camera
There are a lot of things I should be doing in this hour of no girls. However, I've had posts running through my mind for days.
We are doing well. Sadie had check ups this week, and she is doing awesome! We saw her lung doctor, and he is going to have us try and wean some of the meds. She weighed 14-2 and is 26 inches long. That means she's almost a foot longer then when she was born! Crazy to think about. We also had a developmental check, and they were very pleased with how she is doing. She is rolling over, grabbing things - even things as small as a raisin! I didn't know she could do that. She is pulling herself to the sitting position and using her arms to stable herself. She isn't quite sitting up on her own because she likes to arch her back. We learned that is typical of preemies. We walked away from the check up just in awe of God again. While we were in the city, Brandon and I were able to get some Christmas shopping accomplished. It was rushed, but we enjoyed the time regardless.
Maisie is still silly, busy and she is using more sign to communicate what she wants. It's fun to see her use it. I think she has one more molar to come through, and we will all celebrate the day. Most days she is pretty happy go lucky, but yesterday she was a challenge.
Analise is still talking a mile a minute. She's had a couple of funnies lately. The other night at supper I told Brandon that I'd had talked to someone and they told me their husband got a deer. Analise asked in surprise, "God is a deer?" When listening to my Ipod a song came on and she said, "Michael!" I told her it was Lincoln Brewster. She said, "Chicken Rooster?" And then the other night at bedtime I read her the story of the three wise men. A while later I heard her crying in her bedroom. I walked in, and she was sitting up. I asked her what was wrong, and she announced, "I don't want to have a baby!" It was hard to comfort her and not laugh at the same time.
Analise sang with the preschoolers last week for the Christmas program at church. She did a nice job and seemed to enjoy it. At the end she used the mic and said, "I love you Jesus!"
I had the honor to speak this last Thursday at the MOPS group at our church. I shared the journey of Sadie's pregnancy, delivery and recovery. It was a joy for me to share about God's faithfulness and His going before us. There were about 50 moms there. Also joining me were my sister in law and one of my dear nurses came from Lincoln. It meant a lot to me having them both there.
I better get moving. I think my peace and quiet are ending sooner than I would like.